5 Essential Features of a smart office in 2023

Start your new year with a fully prepared smart office!

Smart Office is not a new term, but the epidemic has increased the speed of its development in recent years.  

Over the past decade, different companies have been working to improve the design of their offices, with the aim of enhancing office efficiency, quality, productivity, employee health and satisfaction, etc…

As a result, a variety of smart offices have been created. However, there is no standard for the perfect smart office, also there are some primary conditions that must be met to be called a “smart office”. 

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The Best 5 Taiwan Room Booking Systems In 2023

All you need to know about Taiwan meeting room booking systems, and their powerful features.

Hybrid working (混合式工作) , a working style that mixes work-from-office and work-in-the-office, has become one of the major concerns for Taiwanese workers as they will consider if the company can provide a hybrid working option when they change jobs, based on the Cisco survey.

A Meeting Room Booking System (MRBS) (房間管理系統) can help you to adopt a hybrid working style. Some studies have shown a 73% increase in the need for meeting rooms in hybrid office spaces.

Meeting rooms in flexible workspaces provide the ideal in-between office space, providing a solution that is both professional and casual enough to be used on an as-needed basis.

Continue reading “The Best 5 Taiwan Room Booking Systems In 2023”

Top 5 reasons why you need a meeting room system now

Meeting rooms in flexible workspaces provide the ideal in-between office space. A meeting room reservation system is the only solution to improve your office room productivity.

Nowadays, hybrid work is becoming more and more popular.

In a hybrid environment, a meeting room bridges the gap between in-office and remote employees. Most people agreed that the right set-up for a hybrid working model begins with having enough meeting spaces. 

Some studies have shown a 73% increase in the need for meeting rooms in flexible office spaces. Meeting rooms in flexible workspaces provide the ideal in-between office space, providing a solution that is both professional and casual enough to be used on an as-needed basis.

A meeting room reservation system is the only solution to solve the problem that is not having enough meeting rooms to use in the hybrid office. 

Continue reading “Top 5 reasons why you need a meeting room system now”

How To Improve The Visitor Experience Now?  

Visitor management system can help you to improve your visitor experience immediately

Learn more about how to provide the services that your visitor needs 

Impress your visitors by providing a fast and simple way for them check-in via a self service kiosk, while you can focus on giving them a warm greeting.

Bookings ONE

  • People would like to enjoy a service quality more than services
  • A streamlined visitor experience can increase your business income

Common problems encountered in visitor service 

No matter what type of business you are in, customer service is an important part of your company. If you are trying hard to improve this issue, are you facing the following problems:

  •  Have you ever had a problem with improving your visitor service?   
  • Do you invest a lot of resources to improve visitor service?  
  • Do you buy different equipment to improve the quality of service?  
  • Or even just hire a lot of staff for lobby service?     

Why are you still not improving this issue?   The truth is that you provide too many unnecessary services, which may give a negative impression and show customers you don’t understand their needs. If you want to change this situation, you must read the following about the benefits of the visitor management system. 

Continue reading “How To Improve The Visitor Experience Now?  “

How can desk booking support your office now?

You can easily adapt the hybrid working using Bookings ONE desk booking, which allow you to find, reserve and manage the hot-desk at any time, in any place.

You can easily adapt the hybrid working using Bookings ONE hot desk booking, which allow you to find, reserve and manage the hot-desk at any time, in any place.

Companies are looking to the future. For many, the vision is a model that combines remote work and office time. Hybrid working trend is now redefining workspace culture. Employees now would like to choose their working location, in office or from their home.

Continue reading “How can desk booking support your office now?”




『智能辦公室是一個以尖端的互聯網技術為基礎,透過收集數據,對企業中至為關鍵的操作系統和服務進行中央控制, 其一系列不同的協同工作得以創造一個更先進、以人為本的工作場所。而智能辦公室可以增強用戶體驗,有助於提高生產力,亦能吸引和留住企業人才,也可以更靈活、更有效地利用辦公室空間,降低企業成本,提升企業本身的品牌價值。』

Continue reading “智能辦公室的基本元素(II):訪客管理系統”


現在的企業不論規模大小,都希望將公司變為智能辦公室,以使公司的各種資源得以充分利用。 那麼怎樣才算是一個智能辦公室?

智能辦公室是一個以尖端的互聯網技術為基礎,透過收集數據,對企業中至為關鍵的操作系統和服務進行中央控制, 其一系列不同的協同工作得以創造一個更先進、以人為本的工作場所。而智能辦公室可以增強用戶體驗,有助於提高生產力,亦能吸引和留住企業人才,也可以更靈活、更有效地利用辦公室空間,降低企業成本,提升企業本身的品牌價值。

智能辦公室主要透過利用 iBeacon、感測器和電話應用程式等等電子工具,幫助員工處理公務上的瑣事,從而使他們能夠專注較重要的事務,而其中一個智能辦公室不可或缺的基本元素,就是會議室預約系統。會議室預約系統主要讓使用者能夠快捷地找出適合的會議室,並完成會議室的預訂,配合各平台上的應用程式,使員工可以在不同時間、地點,都能夠輕鬆安排會議。會議室預約系統亦能夠提供會議室的各種資訊,以作企業管理之用,並將會議室排程集中於同一個平台,使企業管理者能夠對公司資源運籌帷幄。

我司藉著推出的 Bookings ONE,希望提供一個嶄新的會議室預約系統,可以使企業能夠充分善用辦公室資源。 Bookings ONE 主要有以下功能:


會議室預約系統的根本,莫過於預約時間表。 我司製作Bookings ONE時, 力求預約時間表達致清楚簡潔的要求,並且支援所有電腦界面和手機端的操作。無論你在哪裡,只要打開手機,都能輕易地管理到所有房間的狀態。



Bookings ONE的房間電子標牌,支援 iOS, Android,Windows 這些不同作業系統的平板設備,使用者可以在輕鬆地走到房間門前,就能進行即時的房間預約,快捷方便。 我司同時支援附有指示燈的顯示設備,就算在遠處,使用者也能清楚地看見指示燈的顏色,從而得知哪些房間已被預約。指示燈的顏色主要分為三種:綠色代表可供使用,橙色代表已預約,而紅色代表正在使用。當你突然需要展開會議,又擔心不知道會不會有其他人已預約某些房間的話,指示燈絕對是你公司裏的明燈。

3D 平面圖

如何能夠令管理者對公司資源運籌帷幄,預約系統的界面設計至為重要。假設在公司有50間會議室,一般坊間的預約系統就會把這50間會議室的狀態、預約資料等,以列表的形式平白地列出。這樣的列表雖然能夠提供所有資訊,但是表現方式並不直觀, 管理者往往要從頭到尾消化大量數據,容易使管理者過於疲勞,甚或看漏一些資訊,導致資源錯配等問題。

有見及此,Bookings ONE在傳統的列表顯示外,銳意加入能夠顯示各個樓層的3D平面圖功能,用最容易理解的方法去顯示所有房間的狀態,即使一個樓層數十間房間也能一目了然, 管理者再也無需花時間去看每一個房間的預約狀態。


另一個有效幫助企業管理者去利用公司資源的方法,就是實時的數據分析。現在租金飛騰,會議室的空間附帶著很多直接和間接的成本。通過我司的系統,管理者能以圖像化的分析,理解各個時段的會議室使用率、各人的使用時間、 因失約導致房間空置的次數等等,亦能匯出成為 Excel 形式的分析報告,從而讓企業更了解公司會議室有否被充分利用,從而更有效運用、分配公司的資源。


Google和Outlook的日曆系統相當深入民心,在未有會議室預約系統的公司裡面,主要都是用這些日曆系統去作出管理。我司理解,縱使 Bookings ONE 能夠提供更好的用戶體驗給各個用家,但要所有使用者短期內放棄使用多年的日曆系統,改用 Bookings ONE 的界面的話,很多用戶一下子難以適應。

為此, 我司花了不少開發時間,成功無痕連接上 Google Calendar / Exchange server / Office 365 這些主要在公司會使用的日曆系統,能夠即時將第三方系統的預約,同步到 Bookings ONE 裡頭。這樣新用戶在未熟悉我們的界面前,可以繼續使用他們本來一直使用的日曆系統作出預約,也能夠同時間使用 Bookings ONE 裡頭的各種功能。


除了以上所提到的功能外,Bookings ONE 還有更多的功能與細節,務求提供最好的用戶體驗給企業,不論是管理層還是員工的需求都能一一滿足,從而提升公司形象和員工整體工作效率。

欲免向隅,馬上聯繫我們: hello@ones.software / (+852) 5538 3410, 亦可到 Bookings ONE 官網了解更多 :https://ones.software/hk/bookings-one/

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電郵地址: hello@ones.software
電話號碼: (+852) 5538 3410
Contact us:
Homepage: https://ones.software/
Email address: hello@ones.software
Phone number: (+852) 5538 3410
