The Australian national study shows that flexibility makes us happier 

Data shows you that hybrid work makes Australians feel more happier in their work.

In Australia, the government is phasing out the work-from-home directive.

A national survey of Australia interviewed 1,421 Australian knowledge workers in March 2022. The aim of the survey is to study the difference in working arrangements among hybrid, remote, and office work in Australia. 

In this survey, it shows that flexibility makes employees happier due to hybrid working.

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Hybrid working will stay in enterprises in Australia

Why Hybrid is the winner in Australia? Here is the reason.

Now in Australia, while small businesses are relaxing requirements that require employees to visit the office a certain number of days per week, major business groups have reacted angrily to calls from state and federal chief health officers for companies to encourage employees to work from home again due to rising COVID-19 case numbers.

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10+ Hybrid Work Trends to Watch in Australia

All a business leader needs to know about hybrid work trends in Australia.

Business leaders must recognize that how, when, and where we work are no longer constrained by traditional notions of time and space.

After the epidemic, companies around the world are popularly implementing hybrid work and this will remain to become a new norm.

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