Key leadership lessons learned during 2022

Leaders need to keep flexible, adaptable and creative for tackling the new challenges.

Flexible, adaptable, and creative: These are key factors that keep leadership to be effective in 2022. In an atmosphere of uncertainty that is expected to continue for the foreseeable future, effective leaders were nimble navigators and enterprise stewards.

Here are some key leadership lessons that you can quickly pick up to get ready for 2023:

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HR Trends Financial Executives Need to Know in 2023

A crucial component of aiding finance leaders in maintaining compliance is a great HR partner.

The difficulty in 2023 will be adapting to a workplace that is rapidly changing as firms continue to develop in the hybrid work era.

As organizations work to assist their employees, changes will need to be made to their basic infrastructure, including rules, processes, strategies, and office technology.

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APAC Office demand is still resilient in the hybrid working era

Office demand is still resilient in APAC region, no matter “Greater resignation” or hybrid working entrenched across most of the globe.

Many people questioned the role of the office early in the pandemic, wondering if the unexpected global experiment in remote working would render the office obsolete.

Dominic Brown, professional with knowledge of real estate and economic trends, indicates that after gaining a greater sense of the long-term impact of the global pandemic, he found out that office demand still has high resilience in Asia Pacific.

The outlook for office demand is also positive, thanks in large part to the three following factors: growth in office-based employment, a slower uptake of flexible working arrangements, and the continuing importance of the office.

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Why is “quiet quitting” the next thing you need to know? 

This article explains what quiet quitting is and what generation Z expected.

The idea of “Quiet resigning” has spread like a supernova throughout the media during the past several weeks.

Compared with the new work models such as hybrid and remote working, the drawbacks of the traditional work method have obviously been shown, the best example is “Quiet quitting”. 

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Over half of S’pore workers would consider quitting if hybrid work is not a choice

Why over half of Singapore workers polled would consider quitting if asked to return to work full-time?

  • Over half of Singapore workers polled said they would consider quitting if asked to return to work full-time.
  • Salary and flexibility in working time are the main factors for Singapore workers to stay.
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Remote Work: Major Consideration For Silicon Valley People Now

As the epidemic recedes, is hybrid working still the way to go? Silicon Valley now appears to be an important indicator.

In 2022, people will begin to return to their old ways of living and working as different policies are gradually relaxed around the world. Over the past two years, many companies have had to implement remote work in a short period of time and have learned how to effectively implement a hybrid work model, which means remote work and office work at the same time, to ensure employee safety while reducing the impact of COVID-19 on business operations. As the epidemic recedes, is hybrid working still the way to go? Silicon Valley now appears to be an important indicator.

Apple Inc. ended its two-year work-from-home policy during the COVID-19 pandemic on April 11, and its employees began returning to the office today. While many technology companies have offered some employees the option to work from home permanently, Apple is not one of them. She made it clear that employees will eventually need to return to work in the office.

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