User Permissions
This section will introduce a list of settings for user permission.
User Permission is the setting to differentiate the duties and the rights of user within Bookings ONE. There are three types of permission: Global Administrator, Manager and Normal User. Global administrator and manager can access management console while only normal user can access to the user app.
If user do not have the corresponding permission, user CANNOT access to that page. If user is in multiple user groups, user will have ALL permissions granted in those groups with his/her own permission.
You can find the permission setting in the User Setting form/User Groups Setting form.
Management console -> Users -> User / User groups
Permissions setting (manager)
User which granted with following permissions are treated as Global Administrator or Manager, which can access to the management console.
Global Administrator
- Allow to use all admin features at once. This setting can only set for each user, and CANNOT set in the user group.
User manager: Permission for manage User. and User Group.
License manager: Permission for import and assign License.
Setting manager: Permission for manage the setting of Building, Floor, integration, email server setting and company information.
Support manager: Permission for manage the Reported issues and Support staffs.
Announcement manager: Permission for create and manage Announcements.
Manager (can specified manage scope: Building and Floor)
The following permissions can be restricted based on the scope defined in the setting.
- Player manager: Permission for manage Player.
- Booking manager: Permission for handle all Bookings.
- Resource manager: Permission for manage all Resources and Amenity. If the resource manager has been limited the management scope of the resource, he/she will not be able to edit the resource policy.
- Facility manager: Permission for manage Facilities.
- Service manager: Permission for manage the Booking service and settings.
- Visitor manager: Permission for manage Visitor management module and related settings.
- Manage full scope (all buildings or floors): When this is enabled, user can manage all buildings and floors in the system. Otherwise, user manager can assign specified scope for the user.
Permissions setting (normal user)
User granted with following permissions are treated as Normal User, which can access to the user app.
Normal User
- User: Permission for book the Resources via User App / Panel Display. They can access to the Booking Schedule in the User App.
- Support staff: Permission for handle the reported issues via User App. Please refer to Support Staff.
- Service staff: Permission for handle the service request via User App. Please refer to Service Staff.
- Reception staff: Reception staff permission for handle visitor visiting via User App. Please refer to Reception Staff.
Select a User / User Group, click Menu button ⋮
, then click Edit